230.41092 KOL /1//1
Kolb R., ;
Luther and the stories of God : biblical narratives as a foundation for Christian living / Kolb, Robert. — Grand Rapids : Baker Academic, 2012. — xx, 188 p. ; 23 cm.. — ISBN 978-0-8010-3891-4
ДКД 230.41092
ДКД 230.41092
The whole life of a Christian as a life of repentance: Luther's metanarrative -- Luther the storyteller: the Reformer's use of narrative -- Above all, fearing, loving, and trusting in God: defining the core -- Of what it means to be human -- Suffering builds faith and calls to repentance: affliction as part of daily life -- The life of faith in responding to God's word with prayer and praise: active obedience in the sacred realm -- The life of faith in serving the neighbor: Luther's ethic of callings and commands -- Living well leads to dying well: the completion of the Christian life.