270.83 PRO /1//1
Benson B.E., Berry M.E., Heltzel P. G., ;
Prophetic evangelicals : Envisioning a just and peaceable Kingdom / Benson, Bruce Ellis; Berry, Malinda Elizabeth; Heltzel, Peter Goodwin (ed.). — Grand Rapids : William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2012. — vi, 219 p. ; 23 cm.. — ISBN 978-0-8028-6639-4
ДКД 270.83
ДКД 270.83
In this inaugural Prophetic Christianity volume, fifteen contributors share their visions for a biblically centered, culturally engaged, and historically infused evangelicalism. Interacting with a wide variety of influential thinkers, they articulate several approaches to creating a socially responsible, gospel-centric, and ecumenical evangelical identity