221.77 COM /OT1//1
Briscoe D.S., Ogilvie L.J., ;
The Communicator's commentary / Briscoe, D. Stuart (aut.); Ogilvie, Lloyd John (ed.). Volume OT 1. Genesis. — Waco : Word Books, Publishers, 1986. — 414 p. ; 24 cm.. — (The Communicator's commentary series. Old Testament ; 1). — ISBN 0-8499-0406-4 (v. OT1)
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ДКД 221.77
Why study one of the oldest books in the world in these fast-paced new times? Because, Dr. Stuart Briscoe insists, in the Book of Origins are to be found the roots that can keep us nourished in a secular wilderness. In Genesis we discover "the origins of the universe, the origin of marriage, the origin of sin, the origin of death, the beginning of redemption, the introduction of judgement, the origin of the covenant." And since all such issues are still very much a part of life today, this commentary for preaching, teaching, and personal study is seen to be very relevant indeed