221.77 COM /OT15B//1
Hubbard D. A., Ogilvie L.J., ;
The Communicator's commentary / Hubbard David A. (aut.); Ogilvie, Lloyd John (ed.). Volume OT 15B. Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. — Dallas : Word Books, Publishers, 1986. — 351 p. ; 24 cm.. — (The Communicator's commentary series. Old Testament ; 15B). — ISBN 0-8499-0763-2 (v.OT15B)
ДКД 221.77
ДКД 221.77
"Few Old Testament writings have produced such a flurry of opinions as to how they should be read and what they mean," Dr. David Hubbard acknowledges as he focuses his keen expositional powers on Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon. Continuing the excellent tradition of his previous Communicator's Commentary volume on Proverbs, Dr. Hubbard now helps us to mine the homilitical jewels of two more segments of the Wisdom genre