262.79 FEN /1//1
Fenrins, L ;
Feed My Lambs : A Handbook for Intergenerational Cell Groups / Lorna Fenrins. — Singapore : TOUCH International, 1995. — 144 pages : ill.. — ISBN 981-00-6318-0
ДКД 262.79
ДКД 262.79
I. Looking at the Intergenerational Cell Group
II. The People of the Intergenerational Cell Group
III. The Process of Intergenerational Cell Groups
A. Code of Ethics for Children's Leaders
B. How to Lead a Child to Christ
C. Worship Songs for Intergenerational Cell Groups
D. Ice-breakers
E. Kids' Slot Activities
Children belong in cell groups in the same way they belong in families. God never intended for children to be instructed in the faith in a schoolroom setting. It was always intended to be within the warmth of a family and within the community of the people of God. When God moves in His church we cannot afford to leave the children behind. This book is a manual, a resource book, and an inspiration.