234.13 GAF /1//1
Gaffin, R.B. ;
Perspectives on Pentecost : Studies in New Testament Teaching on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit / Gaffin, R.B.. — Phillipsburg : Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1979
ДКД 234.13
ДКД 234.13
A Promise and a Plea
The Gift of the Spirit
Some Basic Perspectives on the Gifts of the Spirit
Prophecy and Tongues
The Question of Cessation
Quenching the Spirit?
A careful examination of the New Testament teaching on the gifts of the Spirit. Makes a case for the cessation of tongues at the close of the apostolic era.In this book, Richard B. Gaffin examines prophecy and tongues and makes a case for the cessation of both gifts at the close of the apostolic era. Pentecost is presented as integral to the once-for-all work of Christ and decisive for the life of the whole church. Dr. Gaffin's defines all the gifts generally, clarifies the nature of prophecy and tongues and the question of their continuance in the church today. He indicates how these exegetical studies bear on contemporary interest in charismatic gifts.