Українська євангельська теологічна семінарія
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Локальне зображення обкладинки

Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity : Theological Perspectives, Ecumenical Trends, Regional Surveys / Dietrich Werner, David Esterline

Альтернативний автор-особа: Автор, Werner , D., Dietrich; Автор, Esterline, D., DavidМова: англійська.Вихідні дані: Oxford : Regnum Books Internetional, ©2010Опис: 759 p.ISBN: 978-1-870345-80-4.Серія: Regnum Studies in Global ChristianityІндекс Дьюї (ДКД): 207.11Анотація: The Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity is the first attempt to map and analyze developments in theological education on a global scale. This volume, with contributions from 98 leaders in theological education from around the world, provides a comprehensive introduction to the major themes and contexts in the international discourse on theological education, surveys of the issues and challenges faced in different regions, and introductory essays on the developments in the major denominational families in World Christianity. The editors are Dietrich Werner, World Council of Churches, Geneva; David Esterline, McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago; Namsoon Kang, Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth; and Joshva Raja, Queen's Foundation, Birmingham.. Тип одиниці: Книги
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Бібліотека Української євангельскої теологічної семінарії Іноземний фонд Наукова література 207.11 WER /1//1 (Огляд полиці(Відкривається нижче)) Доступно (Немає обмежень доступу) 42173-014276

The Handbook of Theological Education in World Christianity is the first attempt to map and analyze developments in theological education on a global scale. This volume, with contributions from 98 leaders in theological education from around the world, provides a comprehensive introduction to the major themes and contexts in the international discourse on theological education, surveys of the issues and challenges faced in different regions, and introductory essays on the developments in the major denominational families in World Christianity. The editors are Dietrich Werner, World Council of Churches, Geneva; David Esterline, McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago; Namsoon Kang, Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth; and Joshva Raja, Queen's Foundation, Birmingham.

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